044. The 2016 US Presidential Nominations Conventions
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The latest on the 2016 US Presidential Nominations Conventions
This episode covers the incredible division the media is creating between and even within the parties.
The regularly scheduled series on raw food is interrupted for the latest happenings with the US presidential nominations conventions.
This is history in the making. Randy calls this the most important US election of all time.
He runs through how both sides of the media portray the nominations and the nominees.
Randy also gives his predictions as to what may happen if Hillary wins and if Donald wins.
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The World of Muscle
Link: www.theworldofmuscle.com
Hosts: Randy Roach and Tamas Acs
Episode #44
The 2016 US Presidential Nomination Conventions
Related Links:
Clinton Cash
Episode Summary and Updating:
This was a little longer podcast dealing with the current US presidential conventions where both the democratic and republican parties officially nominated their candidates that will square off in November of this year for the title of president of the United States
Randy and Tamas said they would continue with their raw food series in the next episode
Randy discussed how he viewed both conventions
The republicans held their convention first from Monday July 18th to Thursday July 21 in Cleveland, Ohio
The democrats held their convention the very next week beginning on Monday the 25th through Thursday the 18th of July
Randy listened to Donald Trump via CNN and was surprised at how their panel went from a vicious attack on Trump following his speech to suddenly toning it down in a matter of minutes
Randy suspected immediately that someone in a higher position in CNN instructed the panel to settle down
It turned out that while they were on the attack, they realized from their in-house focus group and their 20 million viewers that the panel was not at all reflecting the opinions of their viewers who gave Trump a 75% approval for his speech
Wiki Leaks followed the republican convention by releasing many emails hacked from the DNC’s (Democratic National Committee) server
The emails clearly showed that the DNC did conspire to rig the election for Hillary Clinton
They also had inflammatory language regarding many sacred cows of the democratic party
The democrats panicked over this release and quickly moved to spin the narrative over to a Russian/Trump collaboration that accused the Russians of hacking the DNC’s server in order to favour a Trump victory in November
The democratic convention got off to a shaky start with the disclosure of a rigged primary for Hillary
The delegates for Bernie were furious already regarding the super delegates and the proof from the emails confirming a rigged system compounded the issue
Bernie in Randy’s opinion had no choice but to fall in line with the Clinton machinery
The media did not give a lot of attention to the dissension both inside and outside the convention hall
Hillary had more star power speaking at her convention, but Trump out-drew her in ratings by almost three million viewers in a head to head Thursday night comparison of their two speeches
All through the weekend news cycle there was no talk over the content of the DNC’s hacked emails as all attention was deflected from that subject over to a Trump/Russian connection
Randy and Tamas spoke of the movie Clinton Cash which exposed the cash for favour operation conducted by Bill and Hillary Clinton and their 501-C3 Clinton Foundation
Randy feels that the video and book by Peter Schweizer are very accurate since Schweizer has not been sued for slander or defamation
Randy still feels that this is the most crucial election in US history that will effect Canada and the rest of the world
He states that if you like America and Canada similar to how they were through the mid to latter 20th century than whether you like Trump or not you must vote for him
If you believe in Hillary’s progressive plan, which is shared by many republicans, that call for more open borders and much bigger government than vote for Hillary
Randy states that a vote for Hillary will guarantee that Canada, US and Mexico will be moved into a region facilitating a movement further towards world government
All of this should make for a crazy next three months and some potentially wild debates beginning in September
Trump is already protesting the current scheduling of the debates which he points out two of them have been purposefully scheduled during primetime NFL games
Hillary received similar protection from viewers during her debates with Sanders via very awkward scheduling