024. History Of Supplements – The World Of Muscle

024. History Of Supplements

History of Supplements

What’s the best supplement to get lean?  What should I take to put on muscle faster?  Have you heard of this new supplement?  What do you think of it?

Questions like those come our way daily.

Although Randy’s been writing on the history of bodybuilding and its related issues such as drugs and supplements, he has wrestled with his objectivity as often his personal opinions don’t match what he is writing.

Instead of going into detail on each supplement, in this episode, Randy covers how supplements came to be when it began and what actually goes into some of them.

You’ll be surprised to discover the driving force behind some supplement companies.

00:41 Tamas opened the show by defining what a supplement is.
As a noun: something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency or reinforce or extend a whole.
As a verb: to complete, add to or extend by a supplement.

01:13 Tamas pointed out that supplement is not a replacement, this is not something that would replace the food but it is in addition to.

01:42 Randy gave an introduction to the history of supplements within bodybuilding.

03:27 Randy pointed out that for the 50 years of bodybuilding, the model was food, exercise, fresh air, and sleep.

04:08 Steve Reeves started to use some of the powdered food at that time because the war efforts advanced the powdering of eggs and milk and soy started to come out. That is actually was the first boon to bodybuilding.

05:04 Randy added that up to 1950, the iron game was just selling photos, work out schedules and barbells and you can only sell somebody one set of barbells and maybe some additional weights but he is not coming back for a new barbells all the time but with supplements, this is something that could be renewed and refreshed monthly and this was a boon to the industry.

05:38 When Hoffman saw the business Irvin Johnson was doing, they change the tune, Hoffman got in to soy, he stuck to soy because he owns some farmlands that grew soy, he kept promoting soy where Irvin Johnson dropped soy quickly when he got hooked up with the Wonder Company in Illinois where they created Ovaltine and Optipro, a supplement for the medical industry.

09:39 Randy discussed that the supplement industry was divided into two, the alternative health practitioner who were sincerely looking to restore and create optimal health and then the bodybuilding and the sports field.

11:13 The bodybuilding industry has gone off awry and it is totally different from what you might call an alternative health but they too have stretched the boundaries from optimal health to super health.

12:31 Randy stressed that you cannot just stuff everything into your body like that in a processed manner. That is not how our genome has come to understand it.

17:57 Randy reiterated that when you take a protein powder or a high dose vitamin stripped of its cofactors and synergies like vitamins C comes with bioflavonoids.

18:39 Randy added that we are not seeing longevity even in the fitness industry, we’re seeing people that are broken down into their 60s and 70s and their arthritis root and bent over and hip replacement.

19:00 Randy pointed out that this is happening because a massive amount of processing in processed foods because you can’t go into a powder or a pill without a good degree of processing no matter the quality of food you start with.

20:53 Tamas asked how could someone actually use the supplement or what type of supplement could someone benefit from one if there is such a thing.

26:13 Tamas advised that whenever you are looking at supplements, you have to read the ingredients, it doesn’t sound that it adds value to you, just put it back. Always look for quality over quantity.

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Jim Bryan

Thanks Randy!

Richard Reich

I enjoyed the podcast and Randy’s books. However, the comments on physicians are no longer true, many-most in my experience-are very oriented towards prescribing preventive care with proper diet and exercise, rather than drugs in the old mode. (I am a MD)

Terry Strand

As always, Randy Roach is right on the money regarding training, and the history of our iron sport. You would do well to follow his info and advice.

Leon Sohn

Thanks Randy! Bang on information!

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